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Robbie Williams: The 80's Fansderobbie

09 octobre 2006

The 80's

Pour faire votre film, il faut une caméra, des amis a vous ... Mais aussi les paroles !

THE 80's

I smoke Consulate and Park Drive
Drank Newcy Brown, learned how to skive
Polo mints to hide my breath from my Mum
Did a little weed 'cause it felt like fun
Did a little speed if my friends had some
Nicked Volkswagon badges, I'm a Beastie Boys son
Me so horny, me so young, and I still get my washing done

Auntie Jo died of cancer, God didn't have an answer
Rhythm was a dancer, any room for a chancer
That's me in the corner, thanks Sir
Wore a Troop track suit, British Knights shoes
Kangol hat like L.L. Cools
Before I was having it, having it large
They nicked the B.M.X. from out my garage

And I knew it was Tire from off the estate
'Cause every time I saw him he smiled like we were mates
From then on in, I'd have to walk to me Nan's and I'll dream my dreams for a sea of prams
Like a hooligan on the football stands and I threw the V's to Leeds and West Ham
And then I ran, I ran so far away
Down Scotia Road to a taxi bay
Then I ran again 'cause I couldn't pay
Young Muslim didn't get his fare that day
I apologise today

Things look better when they start
That's how the 80's broke my heart

And who are you calling poof
You like Wham, man
I hate that stuff
And then my Granddad died and left a hole in the family
And lots of women there to nanny me

School was a laugh, they didn't have A.D.D
Thick was the term they used for me
Over and over, repeatedly, over and over
Take my breathe away, pass the bidley bidley bidley bidley bong
Pass it on the left hand side
Right turn, Clyde

That girl in the fourth year got pregnant
She was raised Catholic, brilliant
I cried, she cried, we cried
Her youth died

Drank cider in the cemetery
The year above us had discovered 'E'
And I said it weren't for me
Twelve pounds fifty
I could rob my mum's purse and buy one off Chalky

Met a girl on Monday, drank fizzy pop on Tuesday
Fingered her on Wednesday, and on Thursday and Friday, and on Saturday
Dumped by Sunday

Things look better when they start
That's how the 80's broke my heart
The wonder years I've played my part
That's how the 80's broke my heart

lost my virginity to a girl called Anne-Marie
Well, she said she fancied me
And then she said "Fuck me" and I thought fuck me
And I'm all talk and it'll be over too quickly

And it was but I couldn't care less
I'd seen a girl's part, made a mess on her dress
Oh yes, you're now rocking with the best
Second person in my year that had seen a breast
I'm in my 30s now and I'm still impressed
Why the Falklands Mum, and what have they done

Where do girls come, where do girls come from, where do girls come from
It's the 80's what you looking at, you mong
So young, so long, so young, so long
Too short, so long
What you looking at, you mong
Too short, so long, too short, so long
So long

D'aprés ce que j'ai compris, les paroles parlent de son enfance (ca y est je commence a aimer le refrain :D par contre y'a certains passage rap que j'aime moins)


Concernant la chanson the 90's, sur le myspace officiel il n'y a pas de précision sur le retret de cette chanson donc il faut attendre :D <= chanson the 80's

hiii Lo :D

ben en fait je sais pas trop :s normalement son enfance c'est plutot bien passée mis a part que son pére est parti de la maison quand il était bébé et aussi de crois de me souvenir qu'il était plutot critiquer dans son école vis a vis de son poids


At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

jaime assez alor ke c la premièrefoi ke éjcoute c dja ça :D
elle a lair triste cette chanson, ej savé pa ke robbie avé fé otant de chose ds les année 80, joré plus vu ça ds la chanson the 90's ke jai vu je c plu ou a été suprimé de lalbum... ?

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

je l'ai jamais entendu encore !

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

je vien de relire les paroles, et on a limpression kil a pa u une enfance heureuse, pourtant je pensais kil avé été heureux au moin juskan 90! c vrai ou aps ?

At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

ah ben tu men apprends des choses lol, je pensais ke tt sétait bien passé pourtant dans son enfance sof qq truc, je savè kil y avé un prof ki laimait pa du tt mais je savais pas sur son poids et tt.. povre robbie!

At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

merci pour le lien

la chanson est vraiment génial
c'est la mieux de l'album pour l'instant

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

salut ! jai une petite information au cas ou vous ne le saviez pas : demain matin entre 6h30 et 7h30 une interview de robbie williams sera diffusé dans l'émission Tubissimo sur M6 ! voila bisous


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